AP Level A Mid Term Exam (2005)
Name _____________________

class employee
{public employee(String n, int age, double sal, String title){} 
private String name; 
private int age; 
private double salary; 
private String title; 
1. public String getName(){}
2. public int getAge(){}
3. public double getSalary();
4. public String getTitle(){}
5. public void increaseAge(); // increases by 1 year 
6. public void increaseSalary(double percent){}
7. public String toString(){}  // returns name

class company
{public company();
private employee[] ar = new employee[100];
private int ct = 0;

8. public void printEmployees(){}

9. private int find(String n){} // returns index (location) of employee or -1 if not there

10. public void addEmployee(String n, int a, double sal, String t){} // you may assume there is room for this Employee

11. public void increaseAge(String n){} // increase age by one year for person whose name is sent

12. public void increaseSal(String n, double p){}  // increase salary for this person by percentage p – (hint) first you have to find person in array

13. public void fire(String n){}    // remove from array if there

public class CD {
	private String title, artist;
	private double cost;
	private int tracks;
14. public CD (String name, String musician, double price, int numTracks){}
15. public String toString() {} // return title and artist


public class Inventory {
	private CD [] music;
	private int numCDs;

16. public Inventory(int size) // make room in array{}
17. public int size () {}
18. public void addCD (CD record){}  // if there  isn’t room increase size
19. public void addCD (String name, String art, double p, int n){}
public void increaseCollection () // this function is given
         {}                       // don’t write it
20. public String toString () {}  // returns names of all CD's

class student
 {private String first;
  private String last;
  private double avg;

  21. public student (String f, String l, double a){}

  22. public String getFirst() {}

  23. public String getLast() {}
  public double getAvg()

 24.  public String toString()
   {}  // return full name


public class school
  private student ar[];   // note array is not sized yet
  private final douuble MAX = 100;
  int ct = 0;

  25. public school()
   { // set up array for 100 students

  26. public void addStudent(String f, String l, double d)
   { // if there is room add to end otherwise don’t add

  27. public void printStudents()
    { // print all students

   28. public void printHonor()
     { // print students with avg >= 90

   29. public boolean deleteStudent(String f, String l)
     { // delete student - return true if you did otherwise false