1. Write a function that will receive 3 numbers and return the smallest one.
int small(int a,inr b,int c)
2. Write a function that will raise a base to an exponent
int raise(int b,int e)
3. Write a function that will return the sum between 2 numbers.
int sum(int a,int b)
4. Write a function that will return whether a number is prime or not
bool isprime(int n)
5. Write a function that will return the appropriate letter grade that corresponds to the average of numbers sent to the function.
char letter(int a,int b, int c)
6. int gcf(int a,int b) // returns greatest common factor
7. int lcm(int a,int b) // returns least common multiple
8. bool IsOdd(int n) // returns true if number sent to it is odd - otherwise false
9. int sumofodd(int n)
// returns sum of odd numbers between 1 and n
10. bool positive(int n) // returns true if number is positive
11. void printname(String na, int n)
// prints name n times
12. void printfirst(String n)
// prints first name of string
13. String getfirst(String n)
// returns first name
14. void printfactors(int n)
// print factors for an integer
15. int countvowels(apstring n)
// returns how many vowels are in a string
16. void printreverse(String n)
// prints name in reverse order
17. String everyotherletter(String n)
// returns every other letter of string
18. String reversestring(String n)
// returns reversed string
19. double avg(int a,int b,int c) // returns the average
20. int abs(int a) // returns absolute value of parameter
21. int sqrt(int n) // returns integer square root of number sent to it
22. int cube(int n) // returns cubed result of parameter